Computer Networks

Secondary education streams:
Scientific/Math, Scientific
A computer network is a set of computers sharing resources located on or provided by network nodes. Computers use common communication protocols over digital interconnections to communicate with each other. These interconnections are made up of telecommunications network technologies based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that may be arranged in a variety of network topologies. The nodes of a computer network can include personal computers, servers, networking hardware, or other specialized or general-purpose hosts. They are identified by network addresses and may have hostnames. Hostnames serve as memorable labels for the nodes and are rarely changed after initial assignment. Network addresses serve for locating and identifying the nodes by communication protocols such as the Internet Protocol. Computer networks may be classified by many criteria, including the transmission medium used to carry signals, bandwidth, communications protocols to organize network traffic, the network size, the topology, traffic control mechanisms, and organizational intent. Computer networks support many applications and services, such as access to the World Wide Web, digital video and audio, shared use of application and storage servers, printers and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications. ..More on Wikipedia

جامعات مصر التي توفر بكالوريوس Computer Networks :

اضغط على كل جامعة لمشاهدة التخصصات والتنسيق والمنح الموجودة
Universities with the lowest accepted score to the program Scientific Scientific/Math Literature
Sohag University 372.0
German University in Cairo 70.0
British University in Egypt 70.0
Future University 70.0
Ahram Canadian University 70.0
Cairo University 381.5
ESLSCA University in Egypt

الدراسة في الاردن

الدراسة في الاردن Study in Jordan

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PLEASE NOTE: College Search profiles are based primarily on information obtained from government agencies and university websites. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel. The lowest minimum score mentioned applies to Egyptian students only. Lowest minimum score for international students is 5% to 15% less depending on the major.